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1st Letter to Queen Elizabeth II - 7Jan2013

To Your Majesty,

Greetings and blessings from Our Father, His Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit,

Re. Royal Commission. Re. Child Abuse in the Church

For many years now the Church has been advocating for an open and legally responsible examination of these practices. These practices are more common than uncommon. The fact that so much attention is focused on the Churches, and with good reason, it has become an aim of the Church to further implicate all members of all religions to stand on biblical accordance and see this Commission is a just and holy effort.

The many testimonies the Commission hear and investigate will be heart rending we are sure. The Church believes the public is fully supportive and hopeful in this process. However Your Majesty as in most cases they lose their current value to same degree as time goes by, which only leaves a similarity to the initial purpose of this Commissions efforts. This is why the Church cries out to Your Majesty to repent in the name of Jesus, and place scriptural reference on these matters and expose the responsibilities to those in authority and obligational positions in the Church.

For this course the Church of the Firstborn hereby rebuke you Elizabeth II. In the name of Jesus. Amen. The plight of these children has been known for same time at all levels. For Her Majesty to repent the state of the Church as the Head of the Commonwealth, Gods Commonwealth, would surely place will to bear on those religious institutions most seriously involved.

Your Majesty, for the Royal Commission to succeed, no less than the Head of the Commonwealth must repent and indorse the proceeding and rebuke the inaction of the Cardinals, the Bishops those that done the clothe and attain trust by the garb they wear.

Your Majesty, by the nature of the matters involved, your heart and concern is needed, publicly stated then presented at the inception of the proceedings, to ensure the thoroughness of this Commission. The Church has firm thoughts and total commitment to our Queen and the range and scope of the adjudicators.

The Church of the Firstborn (Heb 12:22,29) hereby Stand as Queen Elizabeth II, True anointed Church, her Majesty’s true servants. Priest called after the order of Melchisedec, called by God not by man to serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Queen of the South the Great Southern Land, the Land of The Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wayne Whitney

Church of the Firstborn (member. Heb;12:22-29)

2/50 Pacific Dr Port Macquarie,

N.S.W. Australia.

Mob: 0422 857736

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