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Letter to the Primate, The Most Rev Phillip Aspinall

Dear Archbishop,

Blessings and greetings, from the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. Bishop my name is Wayne Whitney. In 1957 I was christened into the Church of England. In 1969 I fell from grace. In 1996 the Holy Spirit came upon me revealing I am a Priest called after the order of Melchisedec.

Being called by God, not by man to serve Jesus in the Church of the Firstborn. (Heb12:23). The Church being led by the Holy Spirit, opened our eyes to the condemnation Her Majesty is under before God regarding the abominable state of the Church. The Church being led by The Holy Spirit to rebuke Her Majesty in the name of Jesus to bring the Church to order.

The Church sent an epistle to Her Majesty, Registered Post International customer receipt number RR338500450AU on the 7/1/2013, to no response from Her Majesty, leading the Church to believe Her Majesty’s Post has been breached. The Church shall now utilize the chain of command inside the Church to ensure the epistle’s delivery to Her Majesty.

The Church of the Firstborn hereby entrust this epistle to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II through the hand of the Anglican Primate of Australia to be delivered to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who we trust will deliver it to Her Majesty. The Church looks forward to serving the Lord with yourself and the Archbishop of Canterbury. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless The Archbishop of Canterbury and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Amen.

Wayne Whitney

Church of the Firstborn. Heb 12:23. (member)

2/50 Pacific Drive.

Port Macquarie. 2444.


Mob 0422857736.

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