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2nd Letter to Queen Elizabeth

Rebuke from the Church, To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Church and all Gods people know the actions of your uncle King Edward is the direct word of God to us all:

To see You under Your authority, (not God) allow Your adulterous son and its adulterous women to be maintained at the expense of Gods Commonwealth. To let it promote its adulterous lifestyle in a Christian Nation before God and the world.

Now You allow this adulterer to claim to be the next King over a Christian Nation; You Your Majesty have turned Gods word into a lie, You Your Majesty have taken away Gods Word, to allow Your son this abomination.

The Church of the Firstborn hereby Rebuke you Elizabeth in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Pharaoh was not above God, Herod was not above God, nor are you Elizabeth; as were they, You are surrounded by spiritual wolves in sheep's clothing, these dogs desire to drag you to hell with them; The Church hold treason and contempt charges against the archbishop of Canterbury and the archbishop of York and these bishops for trying to withstand The Spirit of truth, from Your Majesty for the last two and half years.

Rise up You Majesty, rise up against the wicked men of this generation, stand up for truth, stand up for God, lest ye end up in the lake of fire where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever. Amen. Repent to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be baptized and ye shall be saved.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Wayne Whitney. Priest called after the order of Melchisedec

Church of the Firstborn (Member)

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