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Response to Archbishop of York

From: Wayne Whitney <>Date: 21 August 2014 at 15:32

Subject: Contact Form Submission response.


Dear Archbishop,

Blessings and greetings from The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Your faithfulness in the church has allowed your prayers to reach the ears of the King. For this, The Church applause you.

The Key you have been praying for, our Lord has given us in the revealing of TREASON towards Her Majesty by the Anglican Church. By the with-holding an epistle for her Majesty written in the name of Jesus, is not only an offence in the Church before God, but also an offence before Her Majesty.

The Church prays the Archbishop of York will be found faithful before our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Her Majesty by assuring the viewing by her Majesty of the epistle and charges against the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Bless you and the Church in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.The Church in Australia awaits your urgent response. rebuke2.pdf


letter to the Archbishop Primate2v2.pdf




Registered post Receipt-Multipage.pdf


letter to the Archbishop corrected v2.pdf



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