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Followup Email - Love, Rod and sword

Wayne Whitney <> Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:39 AM


John Sentamu,

The Christ sent us unto you in Love, you ignore Him. The Lord sent us unto you with a Rod, you withstand Him. Pray The King sends not the Sword. For we will use it with all vengeance against you John Sentamu, if you continue to withstand the Spirit of Truth. This be the last time the Church will cry out to you John Sentamu, failure to respond will be received as a word from The King that your heart has hardened and you will have no credibility in the Church in the name of Jesus. Amen.

You see the Shame John re; ordination of women, adulterous marriages, child abuse and even conversation re same sex marriage.

Bless you in the name of Jesus, John. You will be called Bishop when found worthy, in the name of Jesus. Amen. lowly servant, Wayne Whitney.

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