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Letter to Her Majesty's Security

To Her Majesty’s Security,

The Church of the firstborn (Heb12:22,29) hereby bring your attention to the fact that our Queen has been encompassed by spiritual dogs playing bishops. These deceivers by their actions of continually withholding extremely serious spiritual documents from Her Majesty, reveal their contempt and treachery toward Her Majesty, placing our Queen in danger. These documents Her Majesty Herself as The Queen and anointed Head of the Church should receive, assess and declare the documents to be of Christ or of the opposition in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The reason the arch bishop and his bishops agree to withhold this document is revealed by the abominable state of the Church and their knowledge the document speaks of them directly. Their knowledge is correct, but treachery is treachery and they are guilty before God, Queen and Commonwealth in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The Church of the firstborn (Heb 12:22,29) pray you, Her Majesty’s Security will be found more faithful to Her Majesty then these deceiving wolves in sheep clothing, the bishops! The Church hereby entrust these documents to Her Majesty’s Security with the request that all these documents be given to Her Majesty for assessment before the bishops are informed in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The Church permits me to share a number of relevant facts you may need.

Wayne John Whitney 20/10/57. M.O.B 0422857736. D.L 7250TV. P.M.N 103011. P&P Grafton, Regional Manager or case Manager Mike. Trinity Grammar , Summer Hill N.S.W……. Christopher Bradley Martin D.O.B 1962, currently in prison in Queensland. That’s about it, the Church will now wait 14 days from the mailing date of these documents to Her Majesty’s Security, upon which a more public stand shall be made revealing the Treason and Contempt by those that serve Her Majesty.

Wayne Whitney.

Church of the Firstborn (member)

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